We will be celebrating the New Year! We will also be remembering God’s presence and actions in our lives and in our church. We’ll still be remembering our 140 years together and continuing to give thanks.
Join us on Christmas Eve at 3:00 p.m. for a special worship service. This is a great time to center yourself before all of the Christmas Day activities! Come spend this time with your church family and still get home before dark.
Join us November 12, 2022 from 8:00 am-2:00 pm. There will be a diverse of items at the Bazaar. From books to Plants and everything in between. We’ll see you there!
Don’t eat Thanksgiving Dinner alone; come eat with us! On Thanksgiving Day, we gather with everyone who will eat with us for a great big turkey feast with all the sides and pie! Spread the word. All are welcome!!!
Find everything you need to complete your Christmas shopping list: fabulous crafts, used treasures, delicious baked goods, frozen meals, and books. Plus, a lunch of Beef and Noodles from 11am-1pm. All are welcome!!!
Enjoy Halloween in a safe and friendly environment. Church members will decorate their car trunks, offer games for the children to play, and, of course, hand out TONS of delicious candy. All are welcome!!!
If you’ve got something you’ve been needing to get repaired – a bicycle, a piece of furniture, a small appliance, an article fo clothing – bring it to First Christian Church, Grand Junction on October 26 from 9am-2pm.
Come for a relaxing, beach-themed retreat day in God’s presence with other women. The retreat will include Bible study, worship, fellowship, and time for quiet reflection. Cost is $10.